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Mamy odpowiedzi z matury z angielskiego

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Pytania, arkusze i odpowiedzi z matury z angielskiego znajdziesz w serwisie: Matura 2010 z angielskiego. Zadania, testy, rozwiązania

Arkusz z matury z angielskiego, poziom podstawowy

Arkusz z matury z angielskiego, poziom podstawowy - transkrypcja

Odpowiedzi z języka angielskiego - poziom podstawowy - rozumienie ze słuchu i czytanie ze zrozumieniem

Odpowiedzi z języka angielskiego - poziom podstawowy - przykładowe wypracowania

Sugerowane odpowiedzi:

1.1. The competition lasts more than a month. T
1.2. The competition is open to both amateurs and professionals. F
1.3. It is necessary to use the Internet to enter the competition. T
1.4. People must send at least one photograph in every category. F
1.5. The winner will receive $1,000 in cash. F

Zad. 2
2.1 E - Too much homework may be bad for pupils' health.
2.2 C - Good teaching is more important than homework.
2.3 B - Homework prepares you for further education.
2.4 F - Homework should keep pupils busy.
2.5 D - Homework should be more attractive.

Zad. 3
3.1. Paul Cornell started working as a writer because he - B - had to earn his own money.
3.2. The advice Cornell gives to future writers is to - C - listen to the critical opinions of others.
3.3. Cornell's day - A - depends on how much he writes by lunchtime.
3.4. According to Cornell,- B - anyone can think of a good story for a novel.
3.5. Paul Cornell is- C - satisfied with the profession he has chosen.

Zad. 4
4.1. You will be educating a group of people. - D
4.2. You will have to gain some knowledge. - E
4.3. You must be good at talking to customers. - A
4.4. You will have to work weekly shifts. - B
4.5. You may have to work at weekends. - E
4.6. It is possible that you will work more hours in the future. - C
4.7. You should know how to work in stressful situations. -A
4.8. Experience is absolutely essential. - B

5.1. Schatz's father told him to get dressed. - F
5.2. The doctor left a prescription for three medicines. - F
5.3. The boy asked his father to read to him. - F
5.4. The boy was afraid to have visitors in his room. - T
5.5. Schatz was listening carefully when his father was reading to him. - F
5.6. The story is about a misunderstanding. - T

6.1. Stallman is an unusual computer expert because he - A - keeps away from new technologies.
6.2. Which sentence is true about Stallman? - C - He has learned to work without access to the net.
6.3. Research has proved that people - D - dislike getting too many emails.
6.4. Professor Donald Knuth does not use email because he - D - believes it is time-consuming.
6.5. According to the author, some people - B - are not able to avoid using the Internet.
6.6. In the article, the author - B - explains why some people are not hi-tech fans.

źródło: Matura 2010 język angielski: ODPOWIEDZI, pytania, ARKUSZE

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